Saturday, August 22, 2009

Clifford comes to Miami

Back at the Children's Museum. This was the most frustrating time to date there. Usually I do pretty well, but this time I lost Paulina and their cousin Jorjito. I was fuming. 4 on 1 are not great odds. Also, I was getting reprimanded about the kids climbing oh and eating. I swear it is so in their blood to climb the highest heights. Towards the end we only did art projects, so I easily kept them all contained and left on a positive note. All my kids love their Green Eggs and Plans play. It is fun to hear Dexter laughing as loud as the rest. The Clifford exhibit was really cute and kept all the kids entertained. Each member of the town had a mailbox, and there were letters to deliver to each person/pet. It was funny that Dexter went right for the tools and that all the other little boys were vying for. That dog bowl was a favorite of many too. Dexter is also obsessed with the orange trees. He was livid when the oranges stopped coming and would not leave the tree.

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