Monday, January 26, 2009

Alexandria- around 51 mos. old.

Alex, Alex, Alex.  What a young lady!  Yes she has her moments like today when Paulina got a pink ice cream cone name tag at the library, and she got a purple one which she tried to switch with Paulina to no avail of Paulina's crying (no one is taking anything from Paulina especially when she knows it's wanted).  She sulked throughout the library time.  She is also a perfectionist in that if she makes something that isn't up to par with her vision, she gets all frustrated.  I always felt bad that she'd have to wait an extra year to start school in comparison to her peers because of her Oct. birthday.  Academically I know she is ready for school.  She reads and writes a little.  I know I should be working more with her on her skills, but I am always amazed on how much she picks up.  We were at Disney World on one of the boat rides looking at the produce they grow, and she knew the word or actual sample (though it was green) of wheat.  Then she told me that is what they make bread from.  How did she know this?  From the story the Little Red Hen?  I really don't know.  Emotionally she is still pretty tied to me.  I took her to a Day Care Center to look around and enquire during the summer, and she was so scared and said she wanted to be with me.  So why push it?  I am planning on putting her in Pre-K next year.  She said she wants to go to school, and it is only 3 hours a day.   She is still my little helper.  She is now putting Paulina's seat belt on and off for her, so now I only have one kid to strap in!  Yeah!  Paulina tells her thank you, though now she is complaining she want to click it in herself.  Alex wants to be a colorer and painter, so I thought I should document a few samples of her work.  Alex really concentrates on her creations, and she may have some talent.  She made a picture of our family.  Dexter and Alex are on top.  The rest are on the bottom.  What would a psychologist say about that?  Still a sweety too!  Tonight she was brushing my hair while humming a tune stopping now and then to say how nice and smooth my hair was.  What an angel!

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