I don't understand their passion for touching bugs, but I like their enthusiasm. Funny how they were so eager to touch the Madagascar Cockroach, but if they ever see one at home they freak out. Meanwhile Dexter was investigating the baby alligator away from the crowd.
Eating of the bugs. I was surprised the kids ate them. Paulina kept telling me she wasn't going to eat them, but she did it! Alex said they tasted like cereal. Paulina liked the grasshoppers but not the millipede. To me, the grasshoppers were good (well seasoned), but the millipedes tasted like nothing.
Got to touch a baby and adult turtle. It was cool how the webbed feet grasped onto your fingers.
Enjoyed using finger paints and markers to create bug scene. Alex loved her drawing and kept working on it even when the project came to an end.
Paulina fascinated how the ball stayed up in the air.
Love how the kids stick their tongue out when they are concentrating so hard.
At the end Paulina got a big cut on her chin tripping up the stairs. She was pretty brave about it.
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