Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zoo Academia

My husband thinks I am crazy and so do a few other people (well actually everybody), but I signed my kids (Alex) up for Eco-academy at the Miami Metero Zoo once a week and then classes reside at the Deering Estate. Now it is a long drive and the class is too much lecture for my little ones, but we make the most of what they can do and make the most of our visit to the zoo. The main problem is Dexter gets very cranky during class due to lack of sleep. Paulina usually falls asleep on me-she's so cuddly-but Dexter needs watching! I don't know if I'll sign up the the next 5 weeks, but I am enjoying the time so far. We touched a Hedgehog and Skunk. We learned about Giraffes and saw their skin, skull and back bone. Alex and Paulina gave a talk about a mammal and are learning to categorize animals. Below is a video of their talk. You can't hear Paulina (forgot to tell her to read loud). She says Polar Bears have white fur. They live in the Arctic. They eat seals. They are the biggest bear. (I don't where she came up with the bowing). It is a nice day. The kids are entertained seeing the animals and playing in the water parks. I do think it is a great program and this is the only year to do it before Alex is in school for a full day next year.

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