Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Day at the Museum

Back to the Museum of Discovery and Science.  Nice to have Byron along this time to help me with the kiddies.  We even attempted to take the kids to the IMAX film Night of the Museum second installment.  I don't know what tempted me to do such a thing (maybe the fact it was IMAX and we were at a museum), but the film was fun even though I had to watch the second half trying to entertain Dexter (so wouldn't cry) sitting on the floor at the top/back of the theatre.  He fell asleep the last 5 minutes of the movie (typical).  This is the first and probably last time for a year or so, we'll pay for a movie for the whole family.  I usually go to the free movies in the summer and last only half way through usually (so I knew what I was getting myself into).  Paulina (much better than last summer) and Alex did great.  I did find the movie inspiring and witty.  We had a good time at the museum too.  Below are a few highlights.

Alex was much better than her dad or I manipulating this electronic arm.  I think the next generation is going to be awesome.
Mixed emotions in the plane.
I just have to show my kids constantly climbing.  This was a huge lobster!  Scrumptious!
Frolicking.  It was hard to get them to leave.    Alex said this part was her favorite of the whole day.  Don't need much to keep kids entertained-just God's Good Earth!
Always giving mommy flowers.  How SWEET!!!!

Below is a demonstration of their acrobatics.   

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